
This week’s events of the terrorism in England remind us of the problem of inviting diversity through immigration into our respective countries We have often heard representatives of the left, such as former President Obama, declare that diversity is good for America and diversity is “who we are”. And they further state that America was built on immigration. Well, as societies evolve, they produce more and better and greater products that become more sophisticated. As the sophistication of the products improves, the preponderant ingredient of these products is knowledge. We can say unequivocally that as a society progresses, the knowledge needed to produce the greater sophistication in the products becomes greater and greater. Thus, we can conclude that when we look extraterritoriality for diversity, we should look for the diversity of greater knowledge which would accrue to our goodness.

Ergo, when we look at immigration to increase our diversity, we should look to those people with greater knowledge. This would bring to our society greater diversity, and indeed, it would be a great thing: it would bring an increase of the accumulation of knowledge into our society and would diversify the accumulated knowledge.


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